week 11

Korea and England have an interesting differences in manner. In a meal time, Korean can talk to each other loudly and eat noisly. But In England, they don’t talk each other loudly and  eat noisly. They must be quiet in a mealtime. And in korea, we can pick up the food that we want, passing over the plate of counterparts. But in England, they must not do this. They must require for counterparts to give the food to me. As you read, there are differences in just mealtime.

Also, because England is low context culture, there are differences in using public facilities. When we use public restrooms in England, we must pay money for that. Also the keeper resides around them. However in Korea, we can use them for free. And there are so many public restrooms in Korea, but not in England. I think it is a kind of culture differences, too. Maybe in another parts, There are more gaps in culture.


People Loving England Studying Abroand. (2012). During a meal, things you should do and shouldn’t. Retrieved May 24, 2015 from http://keeptrying.blog.me/40189440637

Slow News. (2015). Free meal plan controversy in the country which supporting free public restrooms. Retrieved May 24, 2015 from http://slownews.kr/39851

Healty City, Happy Seoul. (2009). The public restrooms in England. Retrieved May 24, 2015 from http://blog.naver.com/foodansim/150077307624

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